Funding Opportunities
A central aim of CUPC is to accelerate population science that matters. We provide support for innovative, collaborative projects with the potential to substantially advance population science.

Seed Grants
Seed grants are offered twice annually through a competitive call among affiliates. These grants help recipients develop competitive proposals for external funding.

Travel Support
Travel support is available to CUPC faculty, post-doc, and student affiliates to present their population research at conferences. The precise amount varies each year based on our budget and demand.
Graduate Research Assistance
A limited number of RAships are available to CUPC faculty affiliates through a competitive application process each year. Faculty affiliates are expected to identify the potential student themselves. These positions are supported by the CU Boulder Graduate School. Graduate students can speak to their advisor for more information.

Workshop Support
CUPC hosts a variety of workshops and mini-conferences each year that are run by affiliates. CUPC has funds to support these events, although most are supported by a combination of external and internal funding. CUPC funding is determined through a competitive application process that is open to all affiliates with the goal of fueling innovation and productivity in population science.