CU Population Center

Institute of Behavioral Science

Recent affiliate publications (Sept. 2019).

(Affiliates marked in boldface).

Argys, LM & SL Averett. 2019. “The Effect of Family Size on Educational Attainment:  New Evidence from China’s One-child Policy.”  Journal of Demographic Economics.  85(1):  21-42.

Maki, A., Carrico, A.R., Raimi, K.T., Truelove, H.B., Araujo, B., Yeung, K.L. (2019). Meta-analysis of pro-environmental spillover. Nature Sustainability, 2, 307-315.

Coleman-Minahan, K., Stevenson, A., Obront, E. & Hays, S. (2019). Young women’s experiences seeking a judicial bypass for abortion in Texas. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(5):20-25.

Carrico, A.R., Truelove, H.B., Williams, N.E. (2019). Social capital and resilience to drought among smallholding farmers in Sri Lanka. Climatic Change, 155(2), 195-213.

Carrico, A.R. & Donato, K. (2019). Extreme weather and migration: Evidence from Bangladesh. Population & Environment, accepted and in press

Genadek, KR, Flood, SM & Moen, P. (2019). For better or worse? Couples’ time together in encore adulthood. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B., 74(2): 329-338. PMCID: PMC6327662.

Gutmann, M.P. and E.K. Merchant. 2019. “Historical Demography.” Chapter 26 (pp. 669-695) in D. L. Poston, ed. The Handbook of Population, Second Edition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Tuitt NR, Whitesell NR, Asdigian NL, Kaufman CE (2019). Frequent residential mobility among American Indians and early indications of sexual risk among young adolescents. PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218445.

Krueger, Patrick M., Ilham A. Dehry, Virginia W. Chang. 2019. “The Economic Value of Education for Longer Lives and Reduced Disability.” Milbank Quarterly 97: 48-73.

Zoraghein H. and Leyk S. 2019. Data-enriched Interpolation for Temporally Consistent Population Compositions. GIScience & Remote Sensing 56(3):430-461,

Lippert, Adam M. & Sarah Damaske. 2019. “Finding jobs, forming families, and stressing out? Work, family,  and stress among young adult women in the US” Social Forces. (Advanced access online).

Lippert, Adam M., Margaret Gough (equal authorship), and Molly A. Martin. 2019. “The role of time-use behaviors in the risk of obesity among low-income mothers” Women’s Health Issues 29(1): 23-30.

Agrawal, M. Altonji, J. G., & Mansfield, R. K. (2019). Quantifying Family, School, and Location Effects in the Presence of Complementarities and Sorting. Journal of Labor Economics37(S1), S11-S83.

Zarychta, A, Andersson, KP, Root, ED, Menken, J, & Grillos T. (2019). Assessing the impacts of governance reforms on health services delivery: a quasi-experimental, multi-method, and participatory approach.  Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology. Supplemental Appendix available online.

Jeffery J. Clark, Jennifer A. Birch, Michelle Hegmon, Barbara J Mills, Donna M. Glowacki, Scott G. Ortman, Jeffrey S. Dean, Rory Gauthier, Patrick D. Lyons, Matthew A. Peeples, Lewis Borck, and John A. Ware (2019). Resolving the Migrant Paradox: Two Pathways to Coalescence in the Late Precontact U.S. Southwest. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 53(2019): 262-287.

Hanson, John W., Scott G. Ortman, Luis M. A. Bettencourt, and Liam C. Mazur. (2019). Urban form, infrastructure, and spatial organization in the Roman Empire. Antiquity 93(368):702-718.

Pyrooz, David C., and Scott H. Decker. 2019. Competing for Control: Gangs and the Social Order of Prisons. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Reid CE, Considine E, Watson G, Telesca D, Pfister GG, Jerrett M. 2019. Associations between ozone and fine particulate matter with respiratory health during a wildfire event. Environment International 129:291–298; doi:10.1016/j.envint.2019.04.033. PMID: 31146163.

Rogers, R.G., R.A. Hummer, P.M. Krueger, and J.M. Vinneau. 2019. “Adult Mortality.” Forthcoming as Chapter 14 (pages 344-381) in Handbook of Population, 2nd edition, edited by D. Poston, Jr. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Braudt, D.B., E.M. Lawrence, A.M. Tilstra, R.G. Rogers, and R.A. Hummer. 2019. “Family Socioeconomic Status and Early Life Mortality Risk in the United States.” Forthcoming in the Maternal and Child Health Journal.

Seals DR, Nagy EE, Moreau KL. Aerobic exercise training and vascular function with aging in healthy men and women.  J Physiol, 11 May 2019

Shin, Adrian J. 2019. “Primary Resources, Secondary Labor: Natural Resources and Immigration Policy.” International Studies Quarterly.

Fowler, Christopher S., Frey,Nathan, Folch,David C., Nagle,Nicholas, Spielman, Seth. Who are the People in my Neighborhood?: The “Contextual Fallacy” of Measuring Individual Context with Census Geographies. Geographical Analysis. 2019 February 21; :-.

Coleman-Minahan, K., Stevenson, AJ, Obront, E & Hays, S. (2019). Young women’s experiences obtaining judicial bypass for abortion in Texas.Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(1): 20-25.

Welton-Mitchell, C., Bujang, N.H., binti Hussein, H., binti Husein, S., Santoadi, F., James, L. (2019). Intimate partner abuse among Rohingya in Malaysia: Assessing stressors, social norms and help-seeking to inform mental health integrated intervention. Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas – Special Issue: Rohingya Crisis (in press).

Tay, A.K., Riley, A., Islam, R., Welton-Mitchell, C., Duchesne, B., Waters V., Varner, A., Moussa, B., Mahmudul Alam, A.N.M., Elshazly, M.A., Silove, D., Ventevogel, P. (2019). The culture, mental health, and psychosocial wellbeing of Rohingya refugees: A review for practitioners. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences.

James, L., Welton-Mitchell, C., Noel, J.R., & James, A. (2019). Integrating mental health and disaster preparedness in intervention: A randomized controlled trial with earthquake and flood-affected communities in Haiti. Psychological Medicine, 1–11.

Yeatman, S, Chilungo, A, Lungu, S, Namadingo, H & Trinitapoli, J. (2019). Tsogolo la Thanzi: A longitudinal study of young adults living in Malawi’s HIV epidemic. Studies in Family Planning, 50[1]: 71-84.PMCID: PMC6519117.

Oh, J, Yeatman, S & Trinitapoli, J. (2019). Data collection as disruption: Insights from a longitudinal study of young adulthood. American Sociological Review.