Sara Yeatman (she/her)

Development Core Director

Fellow, Institute of Behavioral Science

Professor, Health and Behavioral Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
Research Professor, Institute of Behavioral Science

Ph.D., Sociology, University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Sara Yeatman is a former director of the CU Population Center (CUPC) and Professor of Health and Behavioral Sciences at CU Denver. She is a social demographer and interdisciplinary researcher with training in the fields of sociology, demography, and public health. Her research expertise is in the areas of fertility and reproductive health, and her research focuses broadly on understanding the causes and consequences of the misalignment of fertility desires and behaviors. Between 2009-2015, she co-created and led Tsogolo la Thanzi, a 9-wave panel study of over 3,000 young adults in southern Malawi. Her current research focuses on reproductive health access in the U.S. and the consequences of expansions and reductions in access. Dr. Yeatman has published her research in leading sociology (American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Journal of Marriage and Family), demography (Demography, Population and Development Review, Population Studies), and health journals (Science Advances, Health Affairs, American Journal of Public Health). Her research has been funded continuously by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) since 2008.