CU Population Center

Institute of Behavioral Science

New affiliate Morteza Karimzadeh makes important progress on COVID modeling

CUPC is thrilled to introduce our newest affiliate Morteza Karimzadeh, Assistant Professor of GEOG at CU Boulder.

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As a geospatial data scientist, Dr. Karimzadeh brings tremendous methodological expertise to our community. His research spans various social/environmental domains with expertise in geovisualization, visual analytics, and spatial statistics. He has worked on a wide range of topics such as sea ice mapping, human mobility analysis, crisis infomatics, and precision agriculture, just to name a few.

Dr. Karimzadeh been recently engaged with questions relating to disparities with the COVID pandemic, specifically on predictive modeling of COVID-19 cases at the county-level in the U.S. using spatiotemporal machine learning. Stay tuned for forthcoming publications!