CU Population Center

Institute of Behavioral Science

Grant Recipients

View details about funding opportunities offered by CUPC.

Katie M. Combs

Understanding the Effects of Swiftly Changing Abortion Access: The voice of Texas social service providers


Morteza Karimzadeh

Forecasting COVID-19 in the Presence of Inconsistent Reporting


Ryan Masters

Life Expectancy Changes between 2020 and 2021 among 19 High-Income Countries and among U.S. Populations by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity


Erin Kelly

Youth Deaths Involving Firearms: Identifying Trends and Contextual Characteristics to Inform Prevention Strategies


Katie Combs

Understanding and Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health of Youth with Child Welfare Involvement


Mara Goldman

Covid-19, Tourism, and Conservation in Dryland Africa: Changing environments and populations” ($10,000


Ryan Masters

Immigration, Domestic Migration, and Geographic Variation in Adult Mortality Trends in the United States


Jason Boardman

Racial disparities in genetic associations: the role of environmentally induced epigenetic modifications


Myron Gutmann

Understanding Mortality Disparities using High Spatial Resolution Data


David Cook-Martin

How Immigration Became Temporary in Colorado, 2005-2020


Amanda Carrico

Health and Well-being after Abrupt Return Migration in Coastal Bangladesh


David Pyrooz

Views from the inside: Prisoners on COVID‐19 risk and responses


Lori Peek

COVID-19 Research in Puerto Rico and Globally in the Public Health and the Social Sciences


Fernando Riosmena

Understanding Latino aging in the Era of COVID


Ryan Masters

Trends in obstetric practices and birth outcomes across U.S. states
