CU Population Center

Institute of Behavioral Science

CUPC Grant Workshop moving along with participants developing proposals

CUPC ‘s Development Core is supporting four CUPC affiliates as they prepare new submissions to NIH. The group is “meeting” via Slack, a collaboration software that connects members of teams, as they share drafts of the significance, aims, approach, environment, and innovation with one another. The Grant Workshop funds are available to have in-person meetings with collaborators, to invite external experts to the CU Boulder campus to discuss the proposal, and to provide editing support for the participants.

NIH proposal topics of each participant:

Kate Coleman-Minahan, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, is planning to submit an R03 to NICHD to explore the role of structural vulnerability and uncertainty with respect to pregnancy intentions and contraceptive use among DACA-eligible and second generation Mexican-origin young women.

David Braudt, Post-Doctoral Researcher, IBS, is planning to submit a K99/R00 to NIA for the October 2020 submission round. The K99/R00 mechanism is referred to by NIH as a “Pathway to Independence Award.” The projects are split into a training (K99) and a research (R00) component. They are specifically designed to facilitate the transition of post-doctoral researchers to a tenure track position in health-related research areas. Dr. Braudt proposed study will examine the DNA methylation and change-in-age patterns associated with life course socioeconomic status, investigating race/ethnic disparities in the health returns to socio-economic mobility using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health).

Adrian Shin, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, CU Boulder is planning to submit an R03 to NIH entitled “The Social Consequences of Climate Change and Migration among Indigenous Communities.” Together with Tiara Na’puti (Assistant Professor, Communication), the project team will explore how Indigenous populations tackle climate change issues with an explicit focus on the Marshall Islands. They are particularly interested in the ways through which climate-induced migration shapes the identities of Indigenous populations and affect the behavior of climate migrants.

Adam Lippert, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, CU Denver, is planning to submit an R21 or R01 to NIH/NICHD, designed to identify the forms, both category and intensiveness, of intergenerational support exchanged within multigenerational families following the Great Recession. Specifically, to examine how multigenerational support is associated with the health of parents and children using both self-reports and biomarkers available in the National Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health).