CU Population Center

Institute of Behavioral Science

CUPC affiliates present research at the IAPHS meetings in Seattle

CUPC has been well-represented at this week’s meeting of the Interdisciplinary Association of Population Health Science in Seattle.  Presentations included:

  • Minority-owned small businesses and employer-sponsored health insurance Melanie K. Tran, (CU Denver), Patrick M. Krueger (CU Denver).
  • How is population health organized: field-level structure and dynamics 1990-2017 jimi adams, (CU Denver).
  • The Opioid Epidemic and Suicide Mortality Trends among White Americans,  Daniel H. Simon and Ryan Masters (CU Boulder).
  • Race/Ethnic Trends in Cesarean Deliveries, Induced Labors, and U.S. Birth Weight, Andrea M. Tilstra and Ryan Masters (CU Boulder).
  • Socioeconomic and psychosocial resources predict reduced mortality: longitudinal findings from the Health and Retirement Study Jennifer Morozink Boylan, (CU Denver), Justin L. Tompkins, Patrick M. Krueger (CU-Denver).
  • System failure: the spatial distribution and correlates of black-white septic mortality disparities in the US  Adam Lippert, (University of Colorado Denver), Alexis Mitsuhashi.
  • What we actually eat in America: disparities in types of diets  Shawna Guttman, (CU Denver), Patrick Krueger (CU Denver).