Keynote: The relationship between (genetic) demography, polygenic adaption and the evolution of complex traits: what have we learned from ancient DNA?
Iain Mathieson
Statistical Genetics Workshop: Disentangling genes and environment using genomic family data
Alexander Young. Note: video includes Closing Remarks.
Video: Welcome and Flash Presentations
Estimating the Causal Effects of Adult's Own Smoking Behavior on DNA Methylation Signatures
Robel Alemu
Genes, Pubs, and Drinks: Gene-environment interplay and alcohol licensing policy in the UK
Pietro Biroli
Religious Context and Genetic Influences on Adolescent Drinking
Joseph Clark
Clarifying the role of maternal childhood trauma on offspring behavioral outcomes: A systematic review of genetic and environmental contributions to trans-generational associations
A. Constantino-Pettit
Parental Social Class, Genetic Predisposition for Schooling and Luck: a Cohort Analysis of Equality of Opportunity in Education
Rita Dias Pereira
Misfit between Social Time and Circadian Rhythm
Shiro Furuya
The Impact of Late-Career Job Loss and Genotype on Changes in Body Mass Index
Julia Goodwin
Genetic Fortune: Winning or Losing Education, Income, and Health
Philipp Koellinger
Women, Genes, and STEM: The Effects of Biology and Gendered Environments on High School Course-Taking
Meng-Jung Lin
Timing of Incarceration, Genetic Susceptibility, and Depression
Hexuan Liu
Local genetic correlation analysis reveals heterogeneous etiologic sharing of complex traits
Qiongshi Lu
Maternal depression and child human capital: A genetic instrumental-variable approach
Giorgia Menta
The dynamic complementarity of skill production: The interaction between genetic endowments and birth order
Dilnoza Muslimova
Psychosocial experiences modulate asthma-associated genes through gene-environment interactions
Justyna Resztak
Using Functionally Annotated Polygenic Scores to Explore the Impact of Gene-Environment Interactions on Smoking Behavior
Lauren Schmitz
Aging out: biological age and its role in the criminal career
Peter Tanksley
Unpacking social genetic effects in adolescence and young adulthood
Sam Trejo
Estimating genetic nurture using genome-wide association study summary statistics
Yuchang Wu
Association between education attainment and risk preference
Dongyue Ying
Fine-tuning Polygenic Risk Scores with GWAS Summary Statistics
Zijie Zhao