11th Annual IGSS Conference • September 24, 2020

Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences 2020

Misfit between Social Time and Circadian Rhythm

Shiro Furuya, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Social time shapes human's daily activities. Yet, social time does not always fit to individual rhythm. One possible but rarely studied determinant of the misfit between social time and individual rhythm in sociology is the genetic factor. Using Add Health Wave IV and its genetic file, we evaluated how the misfit between social time and circadian rhythm is associated with health outcomes. Our preliminary results suggest that the misfit of social time and circadian rhythm is associated with the lower quality of sleep and lower self-reported health for regular evening/night workers. In subsequent revision, we will (1) evaluate how and to what extent the misfit of social time and circadian rhythm is associated with health-related behaviors and (2) expand the analyses to adolescents how associations between the misfit and health outcomes have changed over the life course.

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