Conference Participants
- Jason Boardman
- University of Colorado Boulder, IBS and Sociology
- Jason Fletcher
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Barr, Peter
- Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Belsky, Daniel
- Duke University
- Bowers, Peter
- SSGAC / Harvard University
- Conley, Dalton
- Department of Sociology, Princeton University
- Faul, Jessica
- Survey Research Center, University of Michigan
- Fernandez-Rhodes, Lindsay
- Department of Epidemiology and Carolina Population Center, UNC at Chapel Hill
- Freese, Jeremy
- Stanford University
- Gard, Arianna
- Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
- Gaydosh, Lauren
- Carolina Population Center, UNC at Chapel Hill
- Harrati, Amal
- Stanford University
- Koellinger, Philipp
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Kong, Edward
- Department of Economics, Harvard University
- Levine, Morgan
- Department of Pathology, Yale University
- Liu, Hexuan
- School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
- McGue, Matt
- Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
- Mezuk, Briana
- Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan
- Mills, Melinda
- Department of Sociology, University of Oxford
- Mitchell, Colter
- University of Michigan
- Motz, Ryan
- School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
- Okbay, Aysa
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Paige Harden, Kathryn
- Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin
- Sawyer, Katherine
- Department of Political Science, University of Maryland & Stony Brook University
- Schmitz, Lauren
- Population Studies Center, University of Michigan
- Smith, Jennifer
- University of Michigan
- Trejo, Sam
- Graduate School of Education, Stanford University
- Wedow, Robbee
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Weir, David
- Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
- Wertz, Jasmin
- Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University
- Yashin, Anatoliy
- Social Science Research Institute, Duke University
- Zacher, Meghan
- Department of Sociology, Harvard University / SSGAC
- Choi, Karmel
- Harvard School of Public Health / Massachusetts General Hospital
- Daw, Jonathan
- Department of Sociology & Criminology, Penn State University
- Dawes, Chris
- Department of Politics, New York University
- DiPrete, Thomas
- Columbia University
- Ellingson, Jarrod
- Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, CU Boulder
- Finch, Brian
- University of Southern California
- Gradon, Kacper
- University of Warsaw, Centre for Forensic Science
- Gutmann, Myron
- University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
- Hernandez, Elaine
- Indiana University
- Huibregtse, Brooke
- University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
- Jessor, Richard
- University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
- Kelly, Kristen
- Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
- King, Rosalind
- National Institutes of Health
- Link, Bruce
- University of California at Riverside
- Linnenbringer, Erin
- Division of Public Health Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine
- Michaelson, Laura
- University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
- Nottermann, Dan
- Princeton Universirty
- Reed, William
- Department of Political Science, University of Maryland
- Richmond-Rakerd, Leah
- Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University
- Robinette, Jennifer
- Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California
- Rogers, Rick
- University of Colorado Boulder, IBS and Sociology
- Sicinski, Kamil
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Stamper, Bre
- University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
- Wilson, James
- Russell Sage Foundation
- Zhao, Wei
- University of Michigan