Conference Participants


Jason Boardman
University of Colorado Boulder, IBS and Sociology
Jason Fletcher
University of Wisconsin - Madison


Barr, Peter
Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
Belsky, Daniel
Duke University
Bowers, Peter
SSGAC / Harvard University
Conley, Dalton
Department of Sociology, Princeton University
Faul, Jessica
Survey Research Center, University of Michigan
Fernandez-Rhodes, Lindsay
Department of Epidemiology and Carolina Population Center, UNC at Chapel Hill
Freese, Jeremy
Stanford University
Gard, Arianna
Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
Gaydosh, Lauren
Carolina Population Center, UNC at Chapel Hill
Harrati, Amal
Stanford University
Koellinger, Philipp
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Kong, Edward
Department of Economics, Harvard University
Levine, Morgan
Department of Pathology, Yale University
Liu, Hexuan
School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
McGue, Matt
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
Mezuk, Briana
Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan
Mills, Melinda
Department of Sociology, University of Oxford
Mitchell, Colter
University of Michigan
Motz, Ryan
School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
Okbay, Aysa
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Paige Harden, Kathryn
Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin
Sawyer, Katherine
Department of Political Science, University of Maryland & Stony Brook University
Schmitz, Lauren
Population Studies Center, University of Michigan
Smith, Jennifer
University of Michigan
Trejo, Sam
Graduate School of Education, Stanford University
Wedow, Robbee
University of Colorado Boulder
Weir, David
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
Wertz, Jasmin
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University
Yashin, Anatoliy
Social Science Research Institute, Duke University
Zacher, Meghan
Department of Sociology, Harvard University / SSGAC


Choi, Karmel
Harvard School of Public Health / Massachusetts General Hospital
Daw, Jonathan
Department of Sociology & Criminology, Penn State University
Dawes, Chris
Department of Politics, New York University
DiPrete, Thomas
Columbia University
Ellingson, Jarrod
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, CU Boulder
Finch, Brian
University of Southern California
Gradon, Kacper
University of Warsaw, Centre for Forensic Science
Gutmann, Myron
University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
Hernandez, Elaine
Indiana University
Huibregtse, Brooke
University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
Jessor, Richard
University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
Kelly, Kristen
Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
King, Rosalind
National Institutes of Health
Link, Bruce
University of California at Riverside
Linnenbringer, Erin
Division of Public Health Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine
Michaelson, Laura
University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
Nottermann, Dan
Princeton Universirty
Reed, William
Department of Political Science, University of Maryland
Richmond-Rakerd, Leah
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University
Robinette, Jennifer
Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California
Rogers, Rick
University of Colorado Boulder, IBS and Sociology
Sicinski, Kamil
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Stamper, Bre
University of Colorado Bouder, Institute of Behavioral Science
Wilson, James
Russell Sage Foundation
Zhao, Wei
University of Michigan