Papers Presented at the Conference
Click on the paper titles for pdfs
- Biroli, Pietro
- Genetic and Economic Interaction in the Formation of Health: The Case of Obesity
- Byrd, Carson
- Between a (Racial) Group and a Hard Place: An Exploration of Social Science Approaches to Race and Genetics, 2000-2014
- Cook, Justin
- Economic impacts of reducing the infectious disease burden in the US: Evidence using population-level differences in genetic resistance
- Harrati, Amal
- Assessing the Relationship Between Subjective and Objective Dementia Probabilities Using Genetic Risk Scores
- Li, Yi
- Historical trend in Individualized Marriage and Genetic Height Assortative Mating in the United States, 1940-1980
- Liu, Hexuan
- Lifetime Socioeconomic Experiences, Historical Context, and Genetics in Shaping Body Mass in Middle and Late Adulthood
- Marden, Jessica
- Does education modify the association between an Alzheimer's disease polygenic risk score and memory decline?
- Rodgers, Joe
- Linking Fertility Expectations to Fertility Outcomes Biometrically: Analysis of NLSY79 Completed Fertility Data
- Schmitz, Lauren
- The Impact of Late-Career Job Loss and Genotype on Body Mass Index
- Stocker, Clare
- Parenting and Adolescents' Psychological Adjustment: Longitudinal Moderation by Adolescents' Genetic Sensitivity
- Turkheimer, Eric
- Weak Genetic Explanation Seventeen Years Later
- Verweij, Renske
- Sex differences in the genetic influence on human childlessness